Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Musings: Audio Books

Welcome to my first installment of Monday Musings!  This will be a weekly feature hosted here at The Book Barista where each Monday I'll post a book-related topic for your thoughtful consideration. So, grab your cup of coffee and let's chat!  This week's topic for discussion is Audio Books...

I have to admit, I don't classify listening to a book the same as actually reading a book, and for a long time I was quite apprehensive about audio books.  Would the author's use of language be lost in the narration?  Would I miss out on clever word-play or important innuendos that are hidden between the lines?   But after several discussions with my sister, I've come to realize the benefits of audio books.  Listening to audio books is a great way to fill in those gaps of time, you know the one's I'm talking about: waiting at the doctor's office, waiting on your kids after sports practice, commuting on the bus, or while your on the treadmill.  For me, audio books keep me company in the kitchen while I'm in my house can be a very lonely chore, for some odd reason no one wants to join me!

But there is certainly more to audio books than just filling time.  I've come to appreciate to art of narration and have quickly learned that a narrator can either make or break an audio book.  I'm currently listening to The Kitchen House: A Novel By Kathleen Grissom, told from the perspective of two different narrators with completely different dialects, one an Irish immigrant and the other a black slave.  It's these dialects that offer authenticity to the story and quickly sweep me away to another time and place.   And, as I browse through the selection of audio books, I've noticed there are several that are narrated by the author.  For example, Maya Angelou, I noticed, narrates many of her books and there's nothing better than listening to the author reading his/her own words for authenticity. So yes, I'm hooked on audio books and will continue exploring this venue further, but as long as my eyes cooperate, I will never stop reading!

So, what are your thoughts on Audio Books?  I'd love to hear your opinions and experiences!

You can either leave a comment here, or if you would like to share your thoughts on this subject with your blog followers as well, simply use the linky below for your blog post.
In your blog post, please be sure to link back here as well, thank you!
(This link-up will remain open until Sunday, so join in anytime during the week!)


  1. Kim,

    I love audio books. I strongly agree that the reader makes all the difference. I have some series that I love listening to as audio books, and I get highly upset if the reader is switched. It doesn't seem the same. I love cozy mysteries which have characters I want to come back to over and over again. I see the characters through the reader's voice. As an author, I would love to have my book on audio, but I want a say in who the reader is. I grow attached to both the characters AND the reader. Also, there are so many books out there and not enough time to read them all. Being able to listen to them works for me!

  2. I listen to audio books from time to time, finding them a perfect commuting companion. I especially enjoy a narrator with a British accent. There are so many high quality audio books to choose from -- it's nice to have another option for exploring new authors and genres.

    Hope to participate in future memes with my blog,

  3. I love them for long car rides! However, I really only listen to books that I've already read. My attention span is too short to listen to brand new stories.

  4. I'm usually in too much of a hurry to listen. I have tried audio and currently have two checked out from the library.

    1st try: no chapter/story breaks. I had to listen to all of disc 2 in order to hear the 1st half of the story on disc 3.

    2nd try: Harry Potter! sigh, fell asleep

    3rd-ish try: bought the ebook and read ahead.

    Thought I could listen and do something else (drive or crochet)

    recently: started one read by a woman. Not sure I can stand to listen to her as I'm hard of hearing. Driving from library to store. Will need to try it at home with headphones.

    recently started one read by a man. Love his voice but I'm thinking I'll get impatient. Driving from store to home...same deal

  5. I tried an audio book once and could not stay focused on the first chapter. I gave up. It seems I do not comprehend hearing a book read versus reading it.
