Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Musings: Choosing Your Next Book

Welcome to another edition of Monday Musings.  For those of you who have visited previously, I'm sure you've noticed some major changes here? I spent the weekend re-designing my blog but that's not the only change.  Due to overwhelming review requests, I've had to seriously limit the types of books I'll consider for review. This was quite a challenge for me and required a great deal of consideration....I'm such a book junkie!

But after pondering this for several days,  I've decided to focus on those genres which I enjoy reading the most: Historical Fiction, Inspirational Fiction, Memoirs, and Women's Fiction. I use the term Women's Fiction more or less as an umbrella term to encompass those book which are primarily appealing to women as well as books written by women .  In short, I'll be reviewing adult novels only (However, this will not include Erotica).

During this process, I've thought about the many book blogs that focus on just one genre and I marvel at the dedication of these bloggers.  Personally, I don't think I could dedicate all of my reading time to just one genre and yet, it's difficult for me to clearly define what I read and often times, it depends on my mood.  So my questions for this week are: How do you choose your books to read?  Do you have a favorite genre? Or perhaps, you're like me and find it easier to define what you won't read?

Share your blog below or simply leave a comment:

1 comment :

  1. I recently had to do this also. I've decided to only read inspirational fiction. This of course incorporates a variety of genres: historical, contemporty, chick lit, etc.

    I had to decide what books I enjoy reading the most to that I'm not required to spend my reading time with a book that I may not enjoy as much. I also cleared my personal TBR pile of about 20 books using this same criteria. It was just getting out of hand!

    BTW, I'd love to feature you in a "Getting to Know You" post. If you are interested please let me know and I'll email you a list of fun questions to answer.

