Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Musings: Print or E-Books?

I never imagined I would become so fond of my e-reader.  I have always been one to collect books and still enjoy displaying them on my bookcases.  But now, if I were asked to choose between print books and e-books I would have a difficult time choosing.  I've had my Kindle Fire HD now for a few months now and I love it!  I find that just being able to increase the font size alone is a big advantage for me.  At 40-something, I've been wearing bi-focals for several years already and any comfort I can give my eyes is a big plus!  And of course, e-readers are relatively light-weight and very portable.  I have a couple of Stephen King books on my shelf now that I've been wanting to read but the mere size of the books are rather daunting. (Stephen King really should become the poster author for e-readers!)  And, I like the ability to be able read in the dark. But with that being said, I still find myself wanting to have copies of certain books on my shelves; books that I really enjoyed and have left notes in the margins (yes, I write in books!) and those that I would like for my children to read someday as well.   It would really be difficult to choose....what about you, do you have a particular preference for one over the other? Do you think a day will come when print books are obsolete? (That is truly my worst nightmare!)


  1. I love my Kindle! I've had it for about three years now and can't imagine living without it, but like you said, I still enjoy collecting physical books to display them on shelves. There's just something about flipping a page and holding it in my hand that's different from ebooks. I tend to switch b/t the two but I definitely read more ebooks.

    Ning @ DABR

  2. I love my Kindle, but I also love my bookshelves :) Ebooks are much more convenient (and often less expensive, I've found), but I love the heft of a book in my hands.

  3. OOoh I think us book-lovers are always reluctant to concede to any electronic device, in case it may be construed that we are replacing our beloved paper. But I'm a fellow Kindler. Love it. It's so practical and easy and convenient. But it in no way replaces the physical book and everything the physical book does for the reader: the contact, the comfort, the visible, the memory. There's a place for the two. I hope they will exist merrily alongside one another for a long, long time into the future. At this moment, I cannot conceive of any other way forward... :0)
