Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Musings: Amazon's Acquisition of GoodReads

Last Thursday Amazon announced its acquisition of GoodReads (click here for the Wall Street Journal article). So what does this mean for the members of GoodReads such as myself?  To be honest, I really don't know.  However there appears to be many unhappy GoodReads members who are canceling their membership in protest of this acquisition.  Personally, I have no such intentions.  I currently own a Kindle and admit that I make a great many purchases from Amazon...and not just books either. 

Yes, there is always a steady stream of Amazon deals based on my buying preferences making their way to my inbox as a result but, I certainly don't feel tempted to purchase each and every offer that comes my way.  As far as GoodReads is concerned, it will be interesting to learn if the current buying options for books will remain the same.  As of now, readers have the choice of choosing various sellers such as Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Indigo, and even Target.  Will this become an exclusive Amazon purchase only site?  I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.  Overall, I'm not really disappointed with this move...but, what are your thoughts? Are you supportive of this acquisition, opposed, or perhaps a bit indifferent like myself?


  1. I understand you will only have Amazon as an option to buy. The others will not be there. Too bad for B and N.

    1. Although I'm an Amazon customer, I think is would be a poor move on their behalf. If this is true, I now better understand why this is upsetting for so many. Thank you.

    2. I actually received an email from from goodreads about the takeover (because I'm a goodreads author)
      This is what they had to say on the subject.

      "We will continue to link to a variety of sites on our book pages, of course, including OCLC WorldCat for library data. All of your reviews and ratings will remain on Goodreads."

      So it looks as if they will be keeping links for purchase to other sites. Which I think makes sense or else they'll be losing out on a whole market of people who self-publish with Kobo, B&N, Smashwords etc... because they won't want to list their books if they can't even link to where you can buy them.

  2. If they change things to support only Amazon, I'll be upset. I like that Goodreads is not out for one seller and instead just helps people find great books. It defeats the purpose of the website as it will become really only an Amazon pusher.

  3. I'm beginning to see the redundancy here...if GoodReads becomes an Amazon only site then what would be the point of posting reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads? I have a profile on Amazon and post my reviews there as well but the community itself doesn't compare to GoodReads whatsoever. So instead of Amazon re-formatting and establishing their own community, they apparently found it easier to purchase GoodReads.
