Saturday, April 13, 2013

Weekend Edition

Welcome to my first installment of Weekend Edition; a new weekly feature here on The Book Barista where I'll be featuring books I'm currently reading and what I may be reading next as well as new arrivals and upcoming events. And, as with Monday Musings, fellow book bloggers are more than welcome to participate!

A the moment, I'm currently reading two books...yes, I do this quite frequently.  I suppose old habits from graduate school are just too hard to break...

I'm just starting to  read Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots By Jessica Soffer.  I received an advance e-copy from the publisher through NetGalley and I'm really looking forward to this.

About The Book: 
This is a story about accepting the people we love—the people we have to love and the people we choose to love, the families we’re given and the families we make. It’s the story of two women adrift in New York, a widow and an almost-orphan, each searching for someone she’s lost. It’s the story of how, even in moments of grief and darkness, there are joys waiting nearby.(Click here for more.)

And I'm in the midst of reading  Salt Sugar Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us By Michael Moss.  As I began to make some much needed life-style changes, I came across this book on Amazon and knew it was something I just had to read. (I'll be reviewing this book on my weight-loss blog, Kim's Mid-Life are more than welcome to follow along). 
 About The Book:
From a Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter at The New York Times comes the explosive story of the rise of the processed food industry and its link to the emerging obesity epidemic. Michael Moss reveals how companies use salt, sugar, and fat to addict us and, more important, how we can fight back. (Click here for more.)

Upcoming Events:
Please be sure to stop by Monday!  I'll be reviewing Roses Have Thorns: A Novel of Elizabeth I By Sandra Byrd.  And for one lucky participant, there will be a giveaway of this novel as well.  For fans of historical fiction, you won't want to miss out on this one....Fabulous!

So,what are you reading this weekend?  Do you have any special book events planned this coming week? Author Interviews? Giveaways?  I would love to hear about it!


  1. Hello! I am currently Reading Call of the Vampire by Gayla Twist. I admire you being able to read 2 books at once! I would get so mixed up if I tried. I do have a couple of giveaways going on my blog right now. Hop on over to enter!

  2. Last night I finished Between a Rock and a Hard Place. And this morning I started Love in the Time of Cholera. It’s another book that has been on my “to-read” list for way too long. It had me crying in the first 2 pages; I know it’s going to be good! I ALWAYS have multiple books going (4 at present), but never more than one novel. You might be right about grad school habitats.

  3. Waiting for your review on Monday! I like some kind of the novel which are about royalty.
