Friday, March 22, 2013

Interview with Author Michael K. Reynolds

As a book blogger, there is no greater joy than discovering a new and extremely talented author.  Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Flight of the Earls; the first novel in the Heirs Of Ireland Series By Michael K. Reynolds.  With this first novel, Reynolds has created a mesmerizing tale filled with remarkable characters and amazing historical details set within a  very tumultuous period in Ireland as well as in America for these newly arrived immigrants filled with hope and determination. (For my complete review, please click here).  I was immediately captivated and I'm anxiously awaiting the summer release of the next novel in this series, In Golden Splendor.  In the meantime,  I have had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Reynolds to share here with my readers and I would like to thank him once again for this insightful opportunity:

What was your greatest inspiration for writing the Heirs Of Ireland series? At what point, did you say to yourself, " I just have to write this story'?

The concept for Flight of the Earls (the first book in the series) was one I had developed in college as a writing major many years ago; yet, I never got to composing the first sentence. My passion for it was confirmed when I made two trips to Ireland in the early 90’s and visited family. I fell in love with the people and the land. Still, the real moment of truth wasn’t until a few years ago, when on a whim, I pitched the idea at a writers’ conference. I hadn’t written a sentence of fiction in more than 20 years, but I had two editors request a full manuscript on the spot. THAT was when I knew I had to write the story! In retrospect, I am so grateful that I waited so long to author the series. Twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have had the emotional or spiritual maturity to write these books.

In Flight Of The Earls, you introduce Clare Hanley, a strong and determined young woman who is deeply rooted to her faith and Irish heritage. From the perspective of a male author, what was your greatest challenge in creating this remarkable female character? 

Again, I would have never been able to write this book from a women’s perspective twenty years ago. Since then, I married an amazing woman and raised three daughters. God had so much to teach me about relationships, and nurturing and the strength and character of women. But even with all of that “intensive life training” it was a great reach for me to tell this epic story through Clare’s eyes. This is why I insisted on having an editor who was a woman and I got the best in Julee Schwarzburg. She rescued me from many of the blind spots in my writing and is largely responsible for the credibility of many of the characters in the novel.

Your first book is now available in bookstores, the second, In Golden Splendor, is scheduled for release this summer, and I'm sure you’re in the midst of deadlines for your third novel in this series. As you reflect on this journey, what have you discovered about yourself as a writer? 

I’ve learned (once again) that I’m incredibly insecure. That I’m overly influenced by the opinions of others and that I crave the attention and affection of my readers. Which, I suppose, makes me an author. But, I also realize these are major flaws for a writer of Christian fiction and ultimately if we want our books to be life-changing and eternal in value, then we only have one reader to focus on thrilling. If we get God’s blessing, then there are no other metrics which really matter. And I am continually in need of prayer to fully arrive at this place.

Heirs of Ireland Release Dates:
Book One: Flight of the Earls, Winter 2013
Book Two: In Golden Splendor, Summer 2013
Book Three: Divided, Winter 2014

More About This Author:
Michael earned his B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of California, San Diego and lives in Reno with his wife and three children. Not only is Mr. Reynolds a very talented writer of Christian Historical Fiction, but he is also the producer of Emmy Award  Winning documentaries. His most recent documentary is titled, Bullying, and tackles a rising epidemic which is causing our children to drop out of school and is the cause of depression, suicide and campus violence.

And there is so much more to discover about this amazing writer!  Please be sure to visit his website by clicking here.  You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter, and of course, Good Reads.


  1. Thank you for a very insightful interview. So interesting to know how Michael was able to write from a woman's perspective. And, I totally relate to his experience of being an insecure author.

  2. I'm so happy to learn more about Michael, who is now one of my most favorite authors. After reading Flight of the Earls and concentrating on the additional study guide at the back, we as readers gain not only a deeper insight into this book, but also the way we tend to deal with situations in our own lives. For those who haven't read this book, do yourselves a favor a grab a copy today!

  3. I am reading your book now with keen attention to details. Now you know, Michael, when we women write the hero's POV! You've done a stellar job with book one. Have to confess my own Irish/Scottish heritage and love of history drew me- plus-and I'll say it- you are a look-a-like for son Michael! The best with the series.
