Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Musings: The Classics To Be Read

I was saddened this past week as I learned of the passing of Nigerian Author and Essayist, Chinhua Achebe.  Over the years, I have read various excerpts from his writings and had always intended to read his classic novel, Things Fall Apart.  Unfortunately, I never got around to reading it.  It's one of those books that I not only want to read but it's one of the many classics I feel that I should read.  Today marks the birthday of American author, Flannery O'Connor; another author I have yet to read but know I should.  And like most readers, I have a list of classic books that I've meaning to read and although the list is much too long to include in this post,  I've decided to choose five books from this list and commit myself to read them before the end of the year:
  1. Things Fall Apart By Chinhua Achebe
  2. A Good Man Is Hard To Find & Other Stories By Flannery O'Connor
  3. Bastard Out Of Carolina By Dorothy Allison
  4. The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter By Carson McCullers
  5. Tender Is The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald

This really is just a small portion of the many books on my list, but it makes for a good start.  Perhaps this week I'll create a separate page here on my blog with my "bucket list" of books. What classic books are on your list? Who are those famous authors that you feel you just have to read?

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